Installation Access
USAG Bavaria Installation Access
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort is located on Sheridan Kaserne and the Edelweiss Resort Vacation Village / Campground is located within walking distance on a separate installation called Artillery Kaserne. The resort is a tenant activity on the US Army Garrison Bavaria installation, Garmisch; therefore, resort guests are subject to USAREUR directives regarding installation access. All installation access falls under Army Europe Regulation 190-16 which outlines the policy, responsibilities, and procedures for granting access to the U.S. Forces installations in Europe by utilizing the Defense Biometrics Identification System otherwise known as DBIDS.
Email for all Installation Access Questions
Please read the information carefully to ensure you and your guest(s) are able to seamlessly access the resort. Any non-DoD ID cardholders must be sponsored by a DoD ID cardholder, 18 and over, in order to gain access. If you are a valid DoD ID holder you will automatically be registered in the Defense Biometrics Identification System (DBIDS) upon arrival at the gate. Once registered in DBIDS, patrons age 18 and over may immediately sign in non-DoD ID cardholder guest(s). DoD Civilian retirees are not authorized to sign in guests per the DBIDS ETP, paragraph 7.b. Guests age 15 and younger do not require sign-in. Two forms of identification are recommended at all times.
Individuals without a valid DoD ID card, including Embassy personnel and diplomats, British military stationed in Germany, or NATO serving at International Military Headquarters Germany should be placed on the local Garmisch Community Access Roster utilizing the Access Roster Request Form 190-16F and sent to IACS USAG Garmisch. The sponsor is responsible for verifying and confirming that all documentation has been submitted and received to IACS USAG Garmisch before they arrive to USAG Garmisch installations. Installation Access Request Forms, 190-16F, must be submitted no later than 5 working days prior to your arrival. Disabled Vets that hold a Veteran’s Health Card can be registered in DBIDS, but it requires them to submit a DBIDS application to the IACS office and must contact the IACS office for processing.
All requests must be sent from an official email address such as a .mil, .gov or .deca address. Any installation access requests and questions should be sent encrypted to You can also schedule an appointment to visit the local Garmisch IACS office. Once on the scheduling website, individuals needing a US Identification (USID) card or updating their Common Access Card (CAC) will select " ID Card Office Locator & Appointments." Applicants would place their location or city of the DEERS office into the "location" field, and select " Search". If Garmisch is selected as the location, the Garmisch office will populate, once the "select" field is chosen, applicants can scroll down to the "Schedule an appointment" option.
What to expect when you arrive?
When you first arrive at Edelweiss Resort, we recommend you go through the Edelweiss Resort main gate. This will allow for the verification of authorized access and will provide sign-in capability if necessary. Initial sign-in capability is NOT available at the Edelweiss Resort back gate. This is especially important if you are arriving by Taxi or Bus.
As a valid DoD ID cardholder, you may sign on up to 4 guests at the Access Control Point. If you have more than 4 guests, the USAG Bavaria PONDS security guard will contact the Military Police for authorization. All guests signed onto the installation must be escorted at all times and must be signed out at the Access Control Point before the pass expiration date and time. Unescorted guest privileges must be coordinated with the Garmisch IACS office. DoD ID cardholders under the age of 18 are not authorized with sign-in privileges.
All non-DoD ID cardholders must have a valid passport in order to be signed onto the installation by their DoD ID cardholder (must be valid and non-expired). Your guests will show their passports when they arrive to gain access and must have it with them every time they leave the Installation. In order to prevent potential frustration during the installation access, please consider the following: Carry two forms of IDs. Your valid DoD ID Card, Passport (are required if on the access roster to gain access at all times when you leave the installation) or a valid picture ID like a driver's license as a 2nd form of ID. A printed copy of your Edelweiss Lodge and Resort Reservation Confirmation.

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 0900 - 1600 hours (CET)
Phone Numbers:
CIV (011-49 from US only)
Local 09641 70 521 3618/3558
DSN: 314-521-3618/3558
Located on :
Artillery Kaserne, building 203, beside the Post Exchange
Civilian DOD Retirees are not eligible to stay at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort.
You have a DoD ID card and need to sponsor a non-DoD ID card guest.
If yes, then show up at the front main gate of Edelweiss Resort and sign in your guest (up to 4). Have two forms of valid non-expired identification available and present your confirmed hotel reservation. Additional rules apply.
You don't have a valid DoD ID card, but are eligible to stay at Edelweiss Resort and are requesting access. You will first need to download the AE form 190-16F, and send it to the following email address at least 5 working days before arrival. Additional rules apply.
Schedule an appointment with IACS to assist with your CAC card.

If you have any comments or concerns regarding installation access, please provide feedback on the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) site. Please be as specific as possible.