Edelweiss Lodge and Resort
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort

Hausberg Lodge

Winter Headquarters

Whether you want to rent or buy equipment, grab a bite to eat après ski, cozy up to the fireplace or watch your kids learn to ski on our backyard slope, consider this your private mountain lodge. You can also conveniently charge your room for ski equipment rental, retail and lift ticket purchases. You can even get your equipment serviced and waxed here, too. Plus, you’ll appreciate our lockers, where you can stow your gear for a few days instead of hauling it all around. Ask the Hausberg Lodge front desk for locker tokens.

The Hausberg Lodge also has a private slope in the backyard serviced by two rope tows. Perfect for the little ones so they don't have to carry their skis or snowboards very far. Also really nice maximizing your time learning and practicing. 

Hausberg Lodge is also home to the T-Bar & Grill, which is the place to be after you ski. Enjoy a drink and food while relaxing by the fire, or playing billiards, ping pong or darts. It’s a great place to meet up with friends and family after a day on the slopes. Look out for après ski specials with discounts on German beer or wine. We’ll be glad to shuttle you back down to your room at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. Check your in-room guide for scheduled ski shuttle times.


Operating hours : Open daily in winter season. Last day of the season is Sunday, March 30.

GPS Address: Hausberg Sport Lodge
7 am Hausberg / 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen / Germany

Complimentary Ski Shuttle
(Runs from Edelweiss to Hausberg on Thursday and Friday)

Leaves Edelweiss: 0800, 0820
Leaves Hausberg Lodge: 1530, 1600, 1630


Winter Rental Equipment 

Adults 16 and up / Child 5-15 years old


Five Days

Adult Skis / Boots / Poles / Helmet



Child Skis / Boots / Poles / Helmet



Adult Skis / Boots / Poles / Helmet / Clothing



Child Skis / Boots / Poles / Helmet / Clothing



Adult Snowboard / Boots / Helmet



Child Snowboard / Boots / Helmet



Adult Snowboard / Boots / Helmet / Clothing



Child Snowboard / Boots / Helmet / Clothing


















Adult / Child Ski Pants or Jacket



Adult / Child Ski Pants and Jacket



Ski or Snowboard Set Season

15 yrs and under $200

Adults $350




Ski and Snowboard Repair Shop



Hot Wax (Brushed / Ironed)



Edge Sharpening



Base Repair

$10 - $20


1/2 Tune-Up (Edges, Wax & Base)



Full Tune-Up Skis / Snowboard

