Just for Kids
Our instructors love kids, and their genuine excitement will shine through during their visit with us. Kids’ activities are geared for children ages 5-12, and include ice skating, sledding, mini golf, hiking, nature walks, arts and crafts, kids night out and more.
Please check your in-room Edelpost Weekly for exact times and days of these activities when you arrive. The price includes transportation, lunch and all activities. Kids programs are subject to availability. Advance bookings are recommended and must be made within two weeks of your visit. Contact Alpine Adventures at vacation@edelweisslodgeandresort.com or +49 (0) 8821 944 4142 for more information.
- A minimum of four paid children is required for the program to run
- Children must be at least 5 years old on the day of participation
- Children are taken off of the property for field trips and transported in a vehicle
- The JFK center is located nearby on the Artillery Kaserne
- The start time for each activity is specific, and children must be on time
- It is not possible to join the program once it has started due to the activities planned
- Please provide children with a jacket and proper clothing for variable conditions
We also have Bavarian Military Community Kid Programs through BMC Child and Youth Services. Here, you’ll find the same quality programs you receive at your home garrison. Whether you’re here for a few days or a few weeks, we can make your time in Garmisch as enjoyable for your kids as it is for you. For more information about childcare at the BMC Child Development Center, contact 440-2684 (DSN) or +49 (0) 8821-750-2684.
Please fill out this form and bring it with you to registration.