Partnach Gorge
Experience the Power of Water
The Partnach Gorge is an exceptionally mystical and charming place. Any trip to Garmisch should include a visit to this must-see natural wonder. The moment when you enter the Partnach Gorge and you find yourself surrounded by massive rock faces hardly compares to anything else. You hear the water rushing through the gorge beneath you. Wild and boisterous. One can only imagine the enormous amounts of water that have hollowed out the mountain over the centuries. While strolling past the impressive rock faces, you’ll be amazed at all the new and breathtaking perspectives that await you along the trail. You will be given historic information at the 1936 Olympic Ski Jump Stadium and at the Gorge itself. Then, walk along the beautifully carved stone where water flows through the ice caverns. Afterward, indulge in a tasty dessert or beverage in the classic Partnach Gästhaus.

Winter Tour Schedule 2024 / 2025
Valid November 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025 / *Note all tours and times are subject to change
Day | Tour | Time | Adults 15 and up | Child 5 - 14 | Infant 0 - 4 |
Monday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Tuesday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Wednesday |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |
Thursday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1000 - 1500 |
$47 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Friday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1800 - 2200 |
$52 |
(13 years and older) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Saturday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
1800 - 2130 |
$12 |
$12 |
$12 |
Sunday |
0830 - 1700 |
$60 |
$30 |
$20 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |