Edelweiss Lodge and Resort
Edelweiss Lodge and Resort

Vacation Guide

Memories to Cherish

Spark your imagination on just how great a vacation can be at Edelweiss Resort. All of our activities, programs, recreation, events in one handy guide for your vacation planning. Click below to see the seasonal vacation guides!

If you have a question about a tour or recommendations in the area, don't hesitate to contact us. Our Vacation Planning Specialists know just about everything about anything around here. We look forward to helping you plan your dream vacation. Click on the guide below! 

2024 Spring / Summer / Fall Vacation Guide

Vacation Guide
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Summer Tours 2025

Valid May 1 - October 31, 2025 / All tours and times are subject to changes


Neuschwanstein Castle
0800 - 1700 hours
Adults 15 and up : $95
Children 5 - 14 : $40
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Ettal Monastery Schnapps and Cheese Tour
1030 - 1430 hours
Adults 15 and up : $42
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Greisbrau Brewery Tour
1815 - 2200 hours
Adults 15 and up : $52
Must be at least 16 years old

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Berchtesgaden Eagle's Nest Tour
0700 - 2000 hours
Adults 15 and up : $110
Children 5 - 14 : $50
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Linderhof Palace and Oberammergau
0800 - 1500 hours
Adults 15 and up : $65
Children 5 - 14 : $35
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Horse and Carriage
1800/1910/2020 hours
Adults 15 and up : $24
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15


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Ettal Monastary Schnapps and Cheese Tour
1030 - 1430 hours
Adults 15 and up : $42
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Partnach Gorge
0900 - 1300 hours
Adults 15 and up : $35
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $10

Alpine Coaster
1000 - 1400 hours
Adults 15 and up : $49
Children 5 - 14 : $27
Infant 0 - 4 : $15


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Neuschwanstein Castle
0800 - 1700 hours
Adults 15 and up : $95
Children 5 - 14 : $40
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Mittenwald City Tour
1000 - 1500 hours
Adults 15 and up : $47
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Horse and Carriage
1800/1910/2020 hours
Adults 15 and up : $24
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

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Linderhof Palace and Oberammergau
0800 - 1500 hours
Adults 15 and up : $65
Children 5 - 14 : $35
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Ettal Monastary Schnapps and Cheese Tour
1030 - 1430 hours
Adults 15 and up : $42
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Kids Night Out with Dinner
1700 - 2200 hours
First Child: $45
Each Additional Child : $40

Greisbrau Brewery Tour
1815 - 2200 hours
Adults 15 and up : $52
Must be at least 16 years old

Request Tour

Neuschwanstein Castle
0800 - 1700 hours
Adults 15 and up : $95
Children 5 - 14 : $40
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Partnach Gorge
0900 - 1300 hours
Adults 15 and up : $35
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $10

Alpine Coaster
1000 - 1400 hours
Adults 15 and up : $49
Children 5 - 14 : $27
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Horse and Carriage
1800/1910/2020 hours
Adults 15 and up : $24
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Kids Night Out with Dinner
1700 - 2200 hours
First Child: $45
Each Additional Child : $40

Greisbrau Brewery Tour
1815 - 2200 hours
Adults 15 and up : $52
Must be at least 16 years old

Request Tour

Dachau Concentration Camp
1830 - 1700 hours
Adults 15 and up : $60
Children 5 - 14 : $30
Infant 0 - 4 : $20

Partnach Gorge
0900 - 1300 hours
Adults 15 and up : $35
Children 5 - 14 : $20
Infant 0 - 4 : $10

Alpine Coaster
1000 - 1400 hours
Adults 15 and up : $49
Children 5 - 14 : $27
Infant 0 - 4 : $15

Request Tour
Tour Policies

Tour times and prices are subject to change. All tours require a minimum of 15 guests for the tour to run and the smaller local leisure tours require 6 guests. All reservations will be charged at 1200 noon the day before the tour. No refunds are given if the tour is cancelled by the guest after 1200 noon the day before the tour. Please bring Euro on all tours as many locations do not accept credit cards. Meals are not included. Most tourist attractions are not handicap accessible, please visit Alpine Adventures for specific tour information. Please be in the main lobby 10 - 15 minutes prior to departure to check in with your guide. Your wait list status can change at any point up to departure without warning. It is the guest responsibility to check your wait list status with Alpine Adventures. Each guest (including small children) must have a seat on tours with transportation. Child seat recommended for ages 4 or under (not provided). Return times are approximate. All Horse and Carriage sales are final sale. 

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Recreation Offers

The whole region is packed with destinations to climb and conquer. We’ve got your access to some experiences you won’t want to miss. From family activities, to mini golf to more exciting pursuits like paragliding and white water rafting. Your vacation can be as exciting or relaxing as you like. 

• Canyoning in Austria
• Kletterwald Ropes Course
• White Water Rafting
• Tandem Paragliding

Request Recreation