Arbeit Macht Frei
Dachau was opened on 22 March 1933 as a concentration camp established by the coalition government of the National Socialist Party (Nazi Party). Built on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory, Dachau Concentration Camp lies 16 km northwest of Munich. You will visit an exhibit that recounts the terrifying and gruesome days of the Holocaust and watch a video if the history of the camp, including special presentations. Children under 14 are not permitted to watch the documentary film.

Ready for an adventure? Request this tour online and our Alpine Adventures staff will add the booking to your room reservation. It is that easy!
Winter Tour Schedule 2024 / 2025
Valid November 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025 / *Note all tours and times are subject to change
Day | Tour | Time | Adults 15 and up | Child 5 - 14 | Infant 0 - 4 |
Monday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Tuesday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Wednesday |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |
Thursday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1000 - 1500 |
$47 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
Friday |
0845 - 1500 |
$65 |
$35 |
$20 |
1030 - 1430 |
$42 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1800 - 2200 |
$52 |
(13 years and older) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
Saturday |
0830 - 1700 |
$95 |
$40 |
$20 |
1700 / 1810 / 1920 |
$24 |
$20 |
$15 |
1700 - 2200 |
$45 first child |
($40 for additional siblings) |
1815 - 2200 |
$52 |
1800 - 2130 |
$12 |
$12 |
$12 |
Sunday |
0830 - 1700 |
$60 |
$30 |
$20 |
0900 - 1300 |
$35 |
$20 |
$10 |